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Welcome to DJ Tools

DJ Tools started out as a set of scripts used to sync audio files to the cloud so I could share tracks with my friends. It's since grown into a Python library with many features for streamlining the processes around collecting, curating, and sharing a music collection.

This library is DJ-platform agnostic. That being said, a subset of features (those under the collection package) depend on implementations for Collection, Playlist, and Track abstractions (see the references) for which there are currently only Rekordbox implementations. If you're interested in adding implementations for other DJ platforms, please read the Adding DJ Software Support to the Collections Package developer doc and create an issue.

DJ Tools is tested on Ubuntu and Windows operating systems and Python versions 3.8 through 3.12.

Where to start

Check out the Getting Started tutorial!

How do I...?

Every capability of DJ Tools is demonstrated in the How-to Guides. Additionally, there are some guides for things external to DJ Tools such as setting up object storage and getting access to the Reddit and Spotify APIs.

Tell me more

You'll find exposition on relevant topics in Conceptual Guides such as Get to Know Your Rekordbox Collection, Tagging Guide, and The Importance of Standardization and Quality Control.

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